Parallel sessions: themes and conveners

Parallel sessions will be organized according to the following themes:

A - Quark and gluon content of nucleons and nuclei: parton distribution functions, generalized parton distributions, transverse momentum distributions,…

B - Hadron spectroscopy: structure, production and decay, light and heavy quarks, hybrids, glueballs, molecular states, multi-hadron systems,…

C - Non-perturbative methods of QCD: lattice QCD, AdS/CFT,…

D - Effective field theories: chiral perturbation theory, soft collinear effective theories, non-relativistic effective field theories, heavy baryon perturbation theories, effective field theories at finite temperature, ....

E - Nuclear matter under extreme conditions and nuclear medium: quark-gluon plasma, color glass condensate, dense stars, jet formation, hard QCD probes, hadronization, quark propagation, mesons in nuclear medium,…


Each session will be organized by two conveners, in contact with one member of the Local Organizing Committee:

A - Quark and gluon content of nucleons and nuclei:

                        Daniël Boer (Groningen) & Carlos Muñoz Camacho (IPN-Orsay)

                        François Gélis

B - Hadron spectroscopy:

            Phil Cole (Idaho) & Qiang Zhao (IHEP-Beijing)

            Bijan Saghaï  

C - Non-perturbative methods of QCD:

            Silas Beane (New Hampshire) & Waseem Kamleh (U. Adelaide)

Benoît Blossier

D - Effective field theories:

            Hans Bijnens (Lund) & Sébastien Descotes-Genon (LPT-Orsay)

            Véronique Bernard    

E - Nuclear matter under extreme conditions and nuclear medium:

            Carlos Salgado (Santiago de Compostela) & Bolek Wyslouch (MIT)

            Frédéric Fleuret

The conveners are in charge of selecting abstracts for oral communication or for poster presentation, and to organize the program of their parallel sessions.

Abstract submission will be accepted through the conference web site between November 21, 2011 and January 13, 2012 (submission has just been extended until January 31). The abstract format is free, as is the type of file uploaded on the site, though pdf or txt are preferred.

Only abstracts submitted via the conference web site will be considered. Do not send abstracts directly to the conveners.

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